2016 | 4ft x 2ft x 14in | Wood, acrylic mirror, laptop, TV monitor
In Kaleidoscope, viewers are invited to look into a mirrored prism which kaleidoscopes an 8min looped video played on a laptop embedded in the piece's internal framework. The laptop's webcam additionally aims back at the viewer through the scope, which links a live kaleidoscopic image of the viewer’s face onto a secondary monitor on the opposite side of the structure.
The kaleidoscopic video is a composite of: screen recording while purchasing an Afghan baluch (war rug) on Sears.com, combined with appropriated footage of US airstrikes in Afghanistan and Syria, gameplay screen recordings from Battle Field 3 (Talah Market and Azadi Palace), combat footage from Afghanistan and arthroscopic vaginal porn. The video’s soundtrack features the song “Weightless” by Marconi Union— found by neuroscientists of MindLab International to be the most relaxing song to the human ear.